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Het gaat hier om een handout van Bashar bij een lezing die hij heeft gegeven over negatieve geloofssystemen. Het gaat om de lezing “The Black Box” gegeven op 6 december 2014. Het is in mijn ervaring een handig gereedschap voor mensen om hun eigen gedachten, geloven en geloofssystemen te gaan onderzoeken, om te keren en te transformeren.
Mensen kunnen in dit document online aan de vertaling werken.
The tools & tricks negative beliefs use to hold you back from being your true self.
Primary tool: Suspension of disbelief. YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU’RE WORTHY.
Therefore, negative beliefs must target and magnify specific fears in detail to get you to suspend your disbelief about your worth. They have to do this because what they’re telling you is FALSE, whereas positive beliefs can be simple and general because they don’t need to convince you that what they’re telling you about your worth is TRUE.
27 tools & tricks of negative beliefs:
Negative beliefs are designed to:
1. Convince you no other belief is as real.
2. Convince you no other belief is possible.
3. Convince you positive beliefs are negative.
4. Convince you negative beliefs are positive.
5. Convince you to take negative things personally.
6. Convince you to blame others for your negative experience.
7. Convince you that you will suffer if you change your belief.
8. Convince you you’ll feel less lonely if others reinforce the negative belief.
9. Convince you it’s too difficult to change.
10. Convince you it’s impossible to change.
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