10 lessen die mensen kunnen leren uit een DMT doorbraak ervaring

Een goed gemaakt YouTube filmpje van – Cosmic Consciousness with Jonas – over de 10 lessen die hij heeft geleerd uit zijn doorbraak ervaringen op DMT.

A mystery that seems to defy our very understanding of what it means to be a human being in this strange and beautiful universe. By looking more deeply into the nature of the incredible DMT experience, we can uncover new insights about some of life’s biggest questions.

In this video, I share 10 lessons I learned from the DMT breakthrough experience.

1) Life is an infinite mystery that extends far beyond anything we could ever fathom (3:57)
2) Consciousness is not produced by the brain (4:49)
3) ALL IS ONE | ONE IS ALL (5:51)
4) “I Am That” (7:18)
5) Reduced fear of death (8:11)
6) The gift of this lifetime (8:53)
7) Pantheism and the sacredness of life (9:44)
8) The Great Awakening of Humanity (10:47)
9) Machine elves and life beyond earth (12:00)
10) The importance of integration (13:13)

This is just my subjective take, and I of course do not expect everyone to agree. The intention is more to create conversation around a topic which undoubtedly demands more attention from the scientific community as well as the religious.

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Aanverwante informatie en artikelen:
-) Dit is een Trip – informatie over wat je op een trip kunt verwachten
-) Uitjebol – De Nederlandse Drugsbijbel
-) DMT The Spirit Moleculeonline PDF en de film
-) Ayahuasca, slingerplant van de ziel
-) Stichting Open – Stichting OPEN is een interdisciplinair initiatief dat onderzoek naar alle facetten van de psychedelische ervaring wil stimuleren.

4 gedachten over “10 lessen die mensen kunnen leren uit een DMT doorbraak ervaring

  1. Douwe Bericht auteur

    Neuroscientist Describes Her DMT Trip

    Neuroscientist Dr. Michele Ross is a former drug researcher for the National Institute on Drug Abuse, turned medical marijuana and psychedelics advocate. Dr. Ross says she sought out non-neurotoxic, nonaddictive DMT to help her heal from trauma. In this clip, Dr. Ross describes her DMT trip in detail.

  2. Douwe Bericht auteur

    Wat ik heb begrepen is dat DMT en vele anders psychedelica je kunnen verbinden met – All That Is – waardoor je opeens veel meer door het bewustzijn van All That Is kan reizen en in die zin ook andere identiteiten gemakkelijker kan ervaren.

    Het staat op mijn lijstje in ieder geval.


    What Is the Difference between 5-MeO DMT and DMT?

    Imagine you have to choose between two experiences. In the first, your vision fills with brightly colored fractals. Your thoughts remain mostly coherent as you’re transported to an otherworldly plane where you meet—and perhaps learn from—entities beyond your comprehension. If you choose the second, within moments, the world shatters into white light and then your body does too. The concept of “I” disappears as the boundaries between internal and external disappear, you lose all sense of self, and you become one with the universe itself. This universal connection stays with you as your interactions with others take on greater significance.

    The first experience is typical of vaporized DMT, while the second is 5-MeO-DMT. Though they share a name — and there are some parallels in their brief and very intense effects — the two are worlds apart. Even in their chemical structures, 5-MeO-DMT is about as different from DMT as psilocybin is. Both have been used in traditional South American shamanic practices for thousands of years, but in different regions and to different ends. The differences between their subjective effects can’t be overstated, so it’s important to understand what each one offers—and which is right for an individual seeking psychedelic treatment.


  3. Hathor

    En hier de indeling van james Oroc (visual age):
    The Oroc Entheogen Scale

    1. 5-methoxy-DMT. Regularly capable of inducing a classical mystical experience of transpersonal Oneness with complete dissolution of ego and identity, even at dosages as low as 5 micrograms.
    Endogenous, which means that it is naturally produced within our own bodies. Also present in nature in the leaf, bark, and roots of trees, and in the venom of the Bufo alvarius toad. In the forms of snuffs, 5-MeO-DMT has been used in South America for an estimated three thousand years. The modern use of 5-MeO-DMT, in the form of smoking toad venom began as a little-known phenomenon in the southwest states of the United States in the 1970s, until the synthesized version of the drug became one of the most popular compounds available from the online research chemical companies of the early twenty-first century. After coming to the attention of the DEA, 5-methoxy-DMT was then made a Schedule 1 drug (the same as DMT and LSD) in 2011.
    2. DMT (dimethyltryptamine). Capable of inducing a classical mystical experience of transpersonal Oneness, with complete dissolution of ego and identity, mostly at high dosages, and in certain individuals.
    Endogenous. Found in the leaf, seeds, bark, and roots of plants, DMT has been used in South America as snuffs, and as the active alkaloid in ayahuasca, for more than fifteen hundred years. These plant admixtures are regarded as sacred among the Amazonian cultures from which they originate.
    First synthesized in 1931, DMT was then discovered to be psychologically active by the Hungarian psychologist Stephan Szara in 1957. After being sporadically used by intramuscular injection throughout the early 1960s (most notably by William S. Burroughs and Timothy Leary), DMT then experienced a brief burst of popularity in the late 1960s after the underground chemist Nick Sand discovered that the fumurate was smokable, before disappearing almost completely by the end of the 1970s. The writings of Terence McKenna in the early 1990s subsequently rekindled interest in the compound in both its smokable (salt) form, and in ayahuasca, an Amazonian plant that contains DMT. The resulting rise of interest in plant entheogens, and especially ayahuasca, combined with the publication of Rick Strassman’s controversial book DMT: The Spirit Molecule in 2000, has resulted in a significant modern mythology around this compound in contemporary psychedelic counterculture, while easy-to-find online extraction recipes have seen DMT now return to the underground market place.
    3. LSD-25 (lysergic acid). Also a tryptamine, LSD is capable of inducing a classical mystical experience of transpersonal Oneness, with complete dissolution of ego and identity, in high dosages, and in certain individuals.
    A synthetic tryptamine created by Albert Hofmann in 1938, LSD-like compounds (LSAs) have been isolated from the Aztec ololiuqui (morning glory) seeds. The Greek Eleusinian Mysteries used an entheogen called kykeon, which was most likely an LSD analogue produced from an ergot (grain) fungus (the temple at Eleusis was dedicated to Demeter, the goddess of grain). Modernly packaged and mass-producible, LSD reintroduced the entheogenic experience to Western culture during the late 1960s and early’70s when an estimated 75 million people tried the compound.
    While the very high dosages (600+ micrograms) recommended by Leary, Metzner, and Alpert in The Psychedelic Experience to induce a transpersonal-mystical experience ultimately proved to be more than most people liked to handle psychologically, LSD is physiologically one of the safest known compounds, since it requires the smallest known amount (1/10,000th of a gram) to be psychologically active, and thus has an incredibly low toxicity. (LSD is an estimated 3000 times more powerful than mescaline.) You can ingest the same amount of cyanide, or even plutonium, and it will pass through your body without affecting you.
    4. Psilocybin (4-OP-DMT). Can induce transpersonal-mystical experience in high dosages.
    Naturally occurring in some two hundred mushroom species, psychedelic mushrooms were used in a sacred manner by the Amerindians of Mexico, and are the proposed natural entheogen in the theories of R. Gordon Wasson and Terence McKenna’s. First isolated by Albert Hofmann in 1958, psilocybin was the first psychedelic investigated by Timothy Leary at Harvard in 1960–61. The least powerful of the tryptamines, psilocybin is of low toxicity. Overdoses have been reported on synthetic psilocybin, such as in the death of John Griggs (the leader of the notorious LSD-and-hashish cartel the Brotherhood of Eternal Love), although none are reported on Erowid.
    5. PCP/ketamine: Neither tryptamines or phenethylamine, these unique dissociative compounds are the most difficult to classify. Capable of inducing a classical mystical experience of transpersonal Oneness, with complete dissolution of ego and identity, mostly at high dosages, and in certain individuals.
    While PCP was first synthesized in 1926, its illegal street use peaked in the mid-1970s. Ketamine is a legal PCP analogue (with an estimated 5–10 percent of the strength of PCP), which acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system. It requires inclusion because of its impressive record for inducing mystical experiences in individuals (mostly by intramuscular injection). It could be argued that the drug deserves a higher ranking than some of the complex tryptamines. Since it is used as a medical anesthetic, it is considered physically very safe, and overdoses are rare. Ketamine’s use as an entheogen (and increasingly as a party drug in small doses) is a relatively recent development.
    6. Mescaline. Can induce transpersonal-mystical experience in high dosages.
    Naturally occurring in various cactus species, mescaline is one of the oldest psychedelics known to man. There is evidence of peyote use in Mexico and North America dating back 5700 years, while the Huachuma (San Pedro) cactus cults of northern Peru are the longest known continuous shamanic tradition, having existed for at least three thousand years. These include the Chavín culture—the first great Andean civilization, some 1500 years before the Inca—which peaked with the construction of Chavín de Huantar, an underground temple complex deep in the Andes that was the South American equivalent to Eleusis in Greece.
    The first psychedelic isolated (1897) and then synthesized (1918), synthetic mescaline was the subject of Aldous Huxley’s pioneering book The Doors of Perception in 1954. Mescaline (along with psilocybin, LSD, and DMT) was listed in the introduction to Leary, Metzner, and Alpert’s book The Psychedelic Experience in 1964, but other than in its natural forms, is very rare today. Like most psychedelics, mescaline is of low toxicity and is nonaddictive.
    7. 2C-B, 2C-I. Structurally related to mescaline, both 2C-B and 2C-I can induce transpersonal-mystical experience in high dosages.
    Synthetic phenethylamines, these are notoriously dose-sensitive, and little is known about their toxicity, but they can be assumed to be relatively nontoxic and nonaddictive, with the lethal dosage being far greater than the required psychoactive amount. Both compounds were created Alexander Shulgin; 2C-B was first sold commercially as an aphrodisiac under the trade name “Erox,” and was briefly popular with the psychiatric community as an aid to therapy, thanks to its mild nature, relatively short duration, and absence of side-effects. Both 2C-B and 2C-I became widely available on the underground market during the LSD drought of the early twenty-first century, proving once again that prohibition simply results in diversity.
    8. THC (Cannabis or marijuana). Decreases the effect of the ego by shifting perspective away from the self, making one more likely to see another’s point of view, or the humorous side of a situation.
    Relatively low toxicity, with no possibility of physical overdose. Although cannabis-related crimes are the number one reason for incarceration in the United States, with over a million people in jail for its sale, distribution, production, or possession, there has never been a single death related to THC consumption itself. Since 1996, twenty-four states have introduced medical-marijuana laws, and four states and the District of Columbia have passed recreational-marijuana laws, but there were 8.2 million cannabis-related arrests between 2001 and 2010, and 60 percent of the U.S. Prison population are in jail for non-violent victimless*24 crimes. The inhuman and untenable War on Drugs declared by the Reagan Administration in the 1980s has been responsible for the creation of an institutionalized Prison Culture, with the United States now having the highest per-head-of-population incarceration percentage in history—worse than in the Stalinist era in the Soviet Union, or the era of Apartheid in South Africa.

    ===== !!! === FATAL OVERDOSE LINE ===== !!!! ========!!!!! ====================

    9. MDA. Empathogen (also known as an entactogen). The original 1960s “love drug,” now sometimes known as “sassafras.” As with all the compounds in this class, empathogens can decrease the effect of ego by inducing love and compassion toward others and weakening the sense of “I” and its perceived importance.
    Empathogens also differ from psychedelics/entheogens in their acute toxicity, with deaths caused by cardiac arrest or brain hemorrhaging at a fatality rate of approximately 2 in 100,000 users, approximately the same as the more popular MDMA.
    10. MDMA, also known as Ecstasy (see MDA).
    First synthesized in 1912 by Merck chemist Anton Kollisch, MDMA held great promise for psychiatry after it was rediscovered by Alexander Shulgin in 1976, and subsequently popularized by the noted therapist Leo Zeff, who was so impressed by its potential he came out of semiretirement to promote it.
    Between the 1970s and 1980s a loosely knit network of therapists, psychiatrists, and the occasional knowledgable psychonaut consumed an estimated half-million legally produced hits of MDMA. Most of this MDMA was produced by a group of therapy-minded chemists in the Boston area. When shortages in supply began to occur, Michael Clegg, the southwest distributor for the “Boston Group” recognized a business opportunity and started his own “Texas Group,” renaming the drug “Ecstasy”in 1981. Aggressive marketing tactics by the Texas Group resulted in Ecstasy tablets being widely available in bars in the Dallas–Fort Worth area. They were also available at toll-free numbers for purchase by credit card as sales spread nationally, with taxes being paid on all sales. By 1984 the Texas Group had produced 10 million doses of Ecstasy in the months leading up to its scheduling, with 500,000 doses a month being consumed in the Dallas–Fort Worth area alone. By 1985 MDMA use was listed in twenty-eight states, and the DEA announced an emergency scheduling in a wave of federal paranoia. At these hearings the DEA claimed to be unaware of any therapeutic use of the compound.
    Ecstasy then rose to worldwide prominence in the late 1980s with the birth of the Acid House electronic-music culture in Ibiza, and later in the United Kingdom and Europe, where its use and the music were inextricably entwined. An estimated 19 million people a year now use MDMA illegally worldwide. MDMA is also on the brink of making a comeback in therapy; it is currently being used in clinical trials in Israel, and in the United States for soldiers with severe post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). The MAPS organization is on track to see MDMA reclassified as a FDA-approved medicine by 2021.
    11. Opiates: Heroin and Oxycontin. Nullifies the ego by negating all desire, although not necessarily the sense of “I.”
    Highly physically addictive with regular fatal overdoses, the United States has experienced a sharp increase in opiate abuse since 2010 after the spectacular commercial success of the prescription drug OxyContin (OxyContin sales generated 35 billion in sales over two decades). Along with heroin, and other prescription opiates such as Percocet, Vicodin, and fentanyl, 62,000 drug-overdoses fatalities were reported in the United States, a 19 percent increase from the previous year that made an overdose the most common cause of death for men under fifty. According to the DEA, overdose deaths are reaching epidemic levels.
    12. Cocaine: The ultimate “me” drug. Physically and psychologically addictive, highly toxic, and a nervous-system stimulant. Cocaine dependence (addiction) can result in cardiovascular and brain damage, while overdoses can result in death.
    The Greed Culture of the 1980s that came only a decade after the Psychedelic Revolution can be epitomized by its reverence for cocaine, the most expensive drug that does the least to your consciousness for the shortest amount of time.
    In 2009 cocaine and crack cocaine overdoses were responsible for over 400,000 ED visits in U.S. hospitals. While the first cocaine epidemic in the United States was in the 1880s, cocaine has greatly grown in popularity since the 1970s, with the estimated U.S. cocaine market exceeding $70 billion in street value in 2005—a greater revenue than that of a corporation such as Starbucks. A multibillion-dollar “war against cocaine” has been waged at the military level in South American countries since the 1980s, with no noticeable effect on supply. After destabilizing the country of Colombia for more than two decades, and causing considerable social harm in coca-producing countries such as Peru and Bolivia, the drug cartels shifted the cocaine production to Mexico (where the precursors required to make cocaine from the coca leaf are easy to obtain and difficult to trace), and now violence along the border of Mexico related to the cocaine and methamphetamine trade is killing more than five thousand people a year.
    13. Methamphetamine. Physically and psychologically addictive. Highly toxic. Legally prescribed under the brand name Desoxyn, for treatment of ADHD.
    Illegal methamphetamine abuse is reaching epidemic proportions at many levels of American society, with over 93,000 ED visits in 2009. Crack cocaine and methamphetamine addiction have long been associated with both forced and voluntary prostitution in every country they appear in, while the violence associated with Mexican drug cartels (fighting for control of a cocaine and methamphetamine market valued in excess of $50 billion a year) is currently responsible for over 15,000 fatalities annually.
    14. Alcohol. Clinically defined as a psychoactive depressant. Highly toxic and physically addictive. Western civilization’s most dangerous and most costly drug, as well as one of its most efficient weapons against indigenous races.
    While the last three compounds on this chart—cocaine, methamphetamine, and alcohol—are the only three compounds most likely to reinforce the ego to the point of physical violence, alcohol is the one that is most likely to make you do yourself physical harm as a result of self-loathing. Alcohol is the most common extenuating factor for homicides, rapes, beatings, and suicides, not to mention vehicular fatalities, although these statistics (other than drunk driving deaths) are rarely reported. The least sophisticated drug on this chart in terms of both its production and its crude inebriating effects, the first alcoholic beverages can be traced back nine thousand years to Neolithic times, which is why I call it “the Neanderthal drug.” Perhaps because of its ancient origins, alcohol is the only completely legal drug on this list in the vast majority of countries around the world. The Centers for Disease Control estimate that medium to high consumption of alcohol leads to the death of approximately 75,000 people a year in the United States.

    My conclusion from ranking these various compounds by their unique entheogenic value in comparison to their toxicity can thus be expressed quite simply as:
    Oroc’s Law of Entheogens. The more a compound disrupts the ego, the physically safer (less toxic) that compound will be, while the more a drug reinforces and inflates the sense of ego, the more physically harmful (toxic) that compound will be.

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