In dit artikel zowel de reflecties van Bashar als Bentinho over hoe zij de relatie, de overeenkomsten en de verschillen zien tussen geld en overvloed. Zowel Bashar als Bentinho leggen helder uit hoe mensen meer geld en overvloed in hun leven aan kunnen trekken. Of beter gezegd hoe ze meer de overvloed van hun eigen keuze kunnen leren aantrekken. Om te beginnen het perspectief van Bashar.
Let us discuss a few notions and allow us to add a new perspective to some of the ideas we have been discussing in your awakening of consciousness. Let’s begin with what you very often call The Big A: Abundance.
Abundance seems to be an issue that absorbs much of your attention and has seemed to absorb much of your attention for quite some time. Let’s address the notions of abundance so you can understand attracting abundance into your life is quite a simple matter and does not have to be in any way the struggle you may have created it to be.Many of you have been told that abundance is certain things, but is not other things. Many of you have become wrapped-up in the definitions that create abundance, or an apparent lack of it. Allow us to address the notion and make very clear in your understanding that it is only
— ONLY — your definitions of abundance that prevent you from experiencing it in your lives. There is absolutely nothing inherent in the idea of abundance or the experience of abundance that is difficult to attain. Only your definitions of abundance make it seem to be beyond your reach.
Here comes another new definition. Are you paying attention? Alright.
Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it. Period. “Hey, he didn’t say anything about money. He left out money. What good is abundance without money?” Well, what good is money without abundance? Again, allow yourself to understand the basic definition of abundance: the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it.
Bashar – Quest for Truth
Bashar – Abundance, abundance, abundance!
Attracting Abundance & Money – Bentinho Massaro Interview
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-) Kies de beste voelende gedachte waar je toegang tot hebt in dit moment
-) 10 veelgebruikte manieren hoe mensen zichzelf goed / beter laten voelen
-) Volg je nieuwsgierigheid, interesse en passie met integriteit en zonder verwachtingen
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-) Volg het broodkruimel pad van je innerlijke interesses
-) Waarom je persoonlijke passie volgen het beste is wat je kunt doen voor het universum!
-) Bashar – De vijf wetten van creatie
“Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it. Period. ”
Precies. Overvloed is gelijk aan vrijheid. En die is er altijd. Overvloed hoeft daarom niet aangetrokken te worden. Het IS er gewoon. Het enige dat ervoor nodig is om ervan te genieten (het te beleven) is te stoppen met het verstoren van de toegang ertoe. Een van de meest voorkomende verstoringen, is de overtuiging dat overvloed alleen te “bereiken” is via geld.
Anders gezegd: het enige dat de toegang tot het beleven van overvloed beperkt, is overtuiging van het bestaan van tekort.
Now, please understand again that when we talk about the idea of watching your definitions and clarifying your definitions, you really have to very very precise.
I have now at this point up to this moment in the dialogue used very colloquial terms so that you will understand what we are saying. But many of the ways that we actually said things aren’t as precise as they could be. Here’s how to take it even further.
You say things like “I’m experiencing a lack of abundance, a lack of finance, a lack of creativity, a lack of trust.” But that’s not possible, there is no such thing as a lack of trust, a lack of abundance, a lack of creativity or a lot of confidence. There is no such thing.
However, there is however an absolute trust in lack. An abundance of lack. Do you see where we’re going here? It’s not that you lack abundance, it’s that you have an abundance of lack because of your belief systems. It’s not that you lack creativity, you’re using your creativity to make it seem like you’re not creative but that’s a very creative thing to do. I know it’s analogous when people on your planet say “Well we only use 10% of our brains”… Nonsense! You’re using 100% of your brain to make it seem like you’re using 10%. That’s the difference.
When you start to have more precise definitions of these things in the way that we have just described, you will see that you do not have to struggle and suffer so much because it’s not like you have to learn how to trust. It’s not like you have to learn to be abundant. It’s not like you have to learn to be creative. You just have to use your trust, your abundance and your creativity in the direction you prefer instead of the direction that you don’t. It’s that simple.
You don’t have to learn these things, they are automatic. You always trust something to be true, if you didn’t you would have no experience at all! So let go of the idea that you were not creative or abundant and watch your definitions.
– Bashar
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“Van buiten naar binnen” • Non-dualiteit Vlog #83