Zelf leren channelen – Oefening 7 van 7: Vragen voor je gids

Dit is het zevende en laatste deel van de serie waarin mensen zelf kunnen leren channelen.

In de eerste vier delen werd het fundament onder channelen gelegd.
-) Oefening 1 van 7: Een relaxte staat van zijn bereiken
-) Oefening 2 van 7: Concentratie en focus vasthouden
-) Oefening 3 van 7: Afstemmen op levensenergie
-) Oefening 4 van 7: Postuur en positie

In deel 5 en 6  werd contact met je gids opgezet en hebben mensen leren samenwerken met hun gids.
-) Oefening 5 van 7: De eerste ontmoeting met je gids
-) Oefening 6 van 7: Je gids verbaal channelen

Dit laatste deel is ter ondersteuning van dat eerder gelegde contact en bestaat uit verschillende soorten vragen die jij of een persoon waarmee je samenwerkt aan je gids kunnen stellen om zo het verbaal / vocaal  channelen verder te versterken.

Step 7 – Questions to Ask Your Guide When You First Start

SANAYA AND DUANE If you are not doing these processes with a friend, you might want to record the following questions on a recorder with long pauses in between. As you connect with your guide, turn on the recorder so you can answer these questions and remain in a channeling state.

If you have a friend assisting you, have him or her ask your guide these questions. If your guide answers in very short replies, ask for elaborations on the answer. The purpose of the questions is to establish and stabilize a verbal connection to your guide.Some people find it easier to receive answers to the Questions of Universal Nature when they first start channeling, but others do not. If you are having difficulty receiving answers to Questions of Universal Nature, ask the Questions of Personal Concern that follow. If you do not get specific answers but instead see symbols and images with your inner eyes, speak about these images.

If you are a musician, ask your guide to be present while you play an instrument. If you are an artist, ask for a connection to your guide while you create your artwork. If you are doing any creative work, play with inviting your guide to join you as you do it.

Questions of a Universal Nature

1. Is it possible to live with real joy? What is real joy? How might people distinguish true joy from the illusion of joy? Is there a difference between the joy of the higher self and the joy of the personality? Is it possible to have both?

2. Is the higher self different from the self that people know? How might people reach their higher selves? Is it the same for each person? What does the higher self feel like?

3. What is the function of the will? Can it be directed without force? How might one direct it in other ways to get what one wants? How can your will serve you?

4. How might people bring more light into their lives?

5. Does everyone have a life-purpose? What are some of the reasons people choose to be born? What kinds of things are people working on in Earth lifetimes?

6. Is this truly an abundant and friendly Universe?

7. Is it possible for people’s thoughts or emotions to affect the people around them? How might people recognize that the thoughts and emotions of others have affected them and what might they do about it?

8. Does every relationship have a purpose? Is everything you see in another person a reflection of what you are working on in yourself? Is it true that by changing yourself you can change the relationship?

9. Is the future preordained? Is there free will? What do people gain by having free will? How might people create the futures they want?

10. Does the Earth itself have a consciousness or life-force? What is its nature? What does the Earth want right now; is she sending out any messages?

11. What can be done now by an individual to contribute to world peace? What can be done by an individual to contribute to the conservation of nature?

12. What is the purpose of learning to channel? How will it serve humanity and me?

13. Make a list of your own questions that you want answered.

Questions of Personal Concern

Some people find these questions elicit answers more easily than the Questions of Universal Nature. Ask your guide several of these questions. If you do not get any response and are not doing the process with a friend, describe into your recorder what you are feeling, including thoughts, physical sensations, and so on. It is important to start talking, even if it just feels like you, rather than your guide, in the beginning.

General Questions

1. What is my life purpose right now?

2. What are my lessons right now?

3. How can I create more abundance in my life?

4. What am I learning in my relationship with ______________?

5. How might I improve my channeling?

6. How can I best express my creativity?

7. How can I achieve more inner peace?

Personal Questions

Think of any questions you would like your guide to answer and write them down or record them before you begin.

Met deze 7 oefeningen en de verschillende gelinkte begeleide meditaties in deel 1 en deel 5 zou het voor eenieder met een oprechte interesse mogelijk moeten zijn om zelf contact met zijn of haar eigen gids te leggen.

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Lees vooral ook het boek waar deze 7 oefeningen uitkomen in het geheel 1 of 2 keer door.
En als er verder nog vragen zijn stel ze vooral in de reacties hieronder. Veel succes en plezier bij het verkennen en ontdekken van channelen voor jezelf!

Aanverwante artikelen en oefeningen:
-) Innerlijke vrede, het volgen van je passie en multidimensionaliteit
-) Download hier de 7 oefeningen, en het boek in PDF vorm

-) Oefening 1 van 7: Een relaxte staat van zijn bereiken
-) Oefening 2 van 7: Concentratie en focus vasthouden
-) Oefening 3 van 7: Afstemmen op levensenergie
-) Oefening 4 van 7: Postuur en positie
-) Oefening 5 van 7: De eerste ontmoeting met je gids
-) Oefening 6 van 7: Je gids verbaal channelen
-) Oefening 7 van 7: Vragen voor je gids

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