Zelf leren channelen – Oefening 5 van 7: De eerste ontmoeting met je gids

Dit is het vijfde deel van de serie waarin mensen zelf kunnen leren channelen.

In de eerdere vier delen werd het fundament onder channelen gelegd.
-) Oefening 1 van 7: Een relaxte staat van zijn bereiken
-) Oefening 2 van 7: Concentratie en focus vasthouden
-) Oefening 3 van 7: Afstemmen op levensenergie
-) Oefening 4 van 7: Postuur en positie

Deel vijf is eigenlijk het eerste deel van het daadwerkelijke contact maken met je gids nadat je het fundament goed en stevig hebt gebouwd.
In deze oefening is het doel dat je je gids voor de eerste keer ontmoet en dat je dan voor jezelf bepaald of je klaar bent voor een actieve samenwerking met je gids op regelmatige basis.

Dit is iets om goed over na te denken want als je eenmaal ja zegt tegen zo een samenwerking dan kun je er vanuit gaan dat verschillende delen van je leven ook (vrij drastisch) zullen veranderen vanwege de frequentie sprong die je zult gaan maken.

Step 5 – First Meeting with Your Guide


This is to welcome you to the guide’s realm and to enable you to gain a conscious impression of the guide you will be channeling.


Complete the previous exercises. Put on some soothing, beautiful music that gives you a feeling of reverence and uplifts you.


1. Get into a comfortable position with your back erect. Once again examine your body position, starting with your feet. Notice the placement of your hands, back, and legs. Become aware of your breathing. Close your eyes, and begin to take a few deep breaths. Enter into the channeling state you have practiced.

2. Imagine going higher and higher, transcending ordinary reality and entering into a higher dimension of love, light, and joy. Imagine being bathed in light; feel the space about you full of beautiful, soft, white light.

3. Imagine that many beings of light are coming closer to join you. Feel their love and caring for you. Open your heart to receive them. Imagine the doorways opening between your reality and theirs. Sense the presence of many loving and high beings all around you, welcoming you into the higher realms, where there is joy and unconditional love. Imagine them creating a doorway for you into the higher realms.

4. Realize it is no coincidence that you are making this connection. Reflect on the whole chain of events that led you to this moment — the chance meetings, the books, and the changes that have already been occurring in your life. Your guide and all the guides are aware of you and are holding a special welcome for you as you join more closely with them.

5. Imagine that there is a doorway in front of you. On the other side of this doorway is a world of light, of higher vibration, and of accelerated growth for you. Go inward, into your heart, and ask yourself if you are ready to make a larger commitment to yourself and to your path of service. When you are ready, walk through this doorway. (If you are not ready now, it will be all right if you choose to walk though the door even weeks, months, or years later.) Feel the light pouring upon you, healing and cleansing you. Accept this new level of

light into your life. Be aware that this is a very real doorway and that your life will begin to change in positive ways after you walk through it.

6. There is a plan for humanity’s evolution that many high beings are broadcasting. Sit silently, and imagine you are tuning into this broadcast. Pretend that your energies are aligning with this plan, so that as your path unfolds everything you do will be in accordance with the greater plan. Set your intention to be a channel for light in whatever way you choose to pursue your growth and in whatever work you will be doing with your guide.

7. Continue to adjust your posture as you go higher and higher. Ask for the highest guide and teacher who is aligned with you to come forward. Imagine that your guide, a special guide, is coming forward.

Sense this guide, feel his or her love for you. Be open to receive. Feel your heart welcoming this guide. Feel the response. Believe that it is really happening! Your imagination is the closest ability you have to channeling, and it is the easiest connection your guide has to you at first.

8. What does your guide look or feel like? Let impressions come in. Do not censor or judge the sensations, images, pictures, or information you are getting. Become familiar with this high feeling of your guide.

9. Greet your guide in your mind. Ask your guide if he or she is from the light. Affirm that you are asking for the highest possible guide who is here to work with you to bring you your higher good and assist you with your spiritual path. You may want to carry on a conversation with this guide until you feel comfortable about allowing the guide to come closer. If you do not feel good about this guide, ask him or her to leave. Do not play around with a guide you

do not feel good about, or wonder if it is just in your imagination that something does not feel quite right, but instead ask again for a high, healing master teacher to come to you. (If you have questions about how to recognize a high-level guide, refer again to Chapter 3, Who Are the Guides?) When you feel good about a guide, go to the next step.

10. Ask your guide to begin doing all that he or she can to open the channel, now that you are committed and ready to verbally channel. Ask your guide to send a mental message if there is anything further that you need to do to prepare to verbally channel.

11. When you feel complete with this step, thank all the beings of light, and feel their appreciation for you. Thank your guide, and ask him or her to help you get ready to verbally channel. Say goodbye, and return slowly and easily to your normal reality. You have now made a connection with the guide you will verbally channel.


If you were able to walk through the doorway, and if you were able to mentally sense and meet your guide, proceed to the next process, Verbally Channeling Your Guide. If you were able to walk through the doorway but not able to sense or mentally talk to a guide, repeat this process at another time. Do not proceed to the next process to verbally channel your guide until you have mentally met and conversed with your guide.

If you did not feel ready to walk through the doorway, do not proceed to the next process. Walking through this doorway and making a larger commitment to yourself are big steps. Before proceeding, you may want to read about Sanaya’s, Duane’s, and other people’s experiences with channeling in Chapters 10 through 13. When you do decide to go through the doorway, go back and repeat this process until you establish a good mental connection to your guide.

SANAYA When Orin first offered me the opportunity to walk through the doorway, I took three weeks to say “yes.” I thought about it intently beforehand. I had many concerns about what I might be giving up to take on this greater responsibility. Within days after walking through this doorway in my mind, my life began to change dramatically. Opportunities to serve and help others began coming from everywhere. My life got better in every way, and I realized that the only things that left my life were those things that I did not need and that were holding me back. Duane’s experience was almost identical. He, too, took time to think things over before making the commitment. He, too, experienced many changes within days of doing so.

In aanvulling op deze oefening zijn er ook verschillende begeleide meditaties die je kunnen helpen om je gids te ontmoeten. Hieronder twee begeleide meditaties die ikzelf regelmatig gebruik ook in de groep waar we hier lokaal mee samenkomen.

Opening to Channel Meditation – How to Connect to Your Higher Guidance

Meet Your ET Guide Guided Meditation | CosmicCollective.co

Als je de eerste vier stappen onder de knie hebt dan kun je met deze oefening en deze twee begeleide meditaties, herhaal ze eventueel een paar keer, zeker zelf contact leggen met je eigen gids.

Wederom dit is een eerste kennismaking. Nu mensen zien dat dit een ervaringsrealiteit is, is het aan hunzelf om te bekijken wat ze hier nu precies wel en niet mee willen. Neem goed de tijd daarvoor. En het is helemaal prima om na deze eerste ontmoeting voor jezelf te zeggen dat dit leuk was maar dat je niet klaar bent voor een intensieve samenwerking met je gids.

Wees eerlijk tegen jezelf, check je eigen motieven goed, en volg je eigen nieuwsgierigheid, interesse en passie.

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Wederom, reacties, vragen, etc. zijn van harte welkom onder dit artikel.

Aanverwante artikelen en informatie:
-) Oefening 1 van 7: Een relaxte staat van zijn bereiken
-) Oefening 2 van 7: Concentratie en focus vasthouden
-) Oefening 3 van 7: Afstemmen op levensenergie
-) Oefening 4 van 7: Postuur en positie
-) Oefening 5 van 7: De eerste ontmoeting met je gids
-) Oefening 6 van 7: Je gids verbaal channelen
-) Oefening 7 van 7: Vragen voor je gids

-) Innerlijke vrede, het volgen van je passie en multidimensionaliteit
-) Download hier de 7 oefeningen en het boek in PDF vorm

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